What IS The Virulent News?

The Virulent News is a podcast that hopefully encourages you to seriously look into following your dreams. That may sound flighty and overly simplistic, but in the course of managing our responsibilities, we often forget how important it is to do the things that bring us true spirit-lifting joy! We can also allow some very toxic habits (procrastination or out and out dismissal) and attitudes (disparagement from others or even ourselves, fear of not being good enough) to get in the way. That was my life, feeling that I was never good enough for anything other than the most basic functions, and that was a horrible feeling. I decided to share my stories and feelings about it in the hopes that I might encourage others who felt the same way to recognize their power and their greatness! Explore your passions, hone your skills, ask for help if you need to, and give yourself a sense of fulfillment!

You are what The Virulent News is about!